Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Birthday (Part 2) daycare and at home

Well, I am still celebrating my very 1st birthday. My big party will on Saturday at my memaw's house in Baltimore. All of my extended family will be there and I am excited to see everyone. Here are more pics from daycare. There are only three of us during the day so it was a very small party.
I love paper napkins. They taste good too ;)

Me and my daycare girlfriend. She apparently doesn't like the way I am eating my cupcake

Watch everyone (well mostly my mom) sing happy birthday:

And if you could not tell, I am dressed as Batman for my birthday. Why? It is because I am cool.

Then I got home and opened my cards from my mom and dad. Can you guess who gave me which card? *humming Jeopardy theme* It is not even that hard. Go figure.

The inside of the batman card reads "Happy birthday, you are friggin awesome". No other 1 year old gets that kind of greeting. Thanks Dad...your friggin awesome too.

One party to go. I will upload pics from my party at my grandmas later this week.
I love being 1.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!!

I am a whole year old today. Time really does fly. My mom has been pretty slow about updating my blog but I have learned how to do new things since I last posted.

I have six teeth now, so I can chew pretty well...well as good as anyone who has six teeth. Watch the video to witness my chewing prowess.

I have also graduted from crawling fast to walking rather slowly....but at least I can walk..sort of.

My mom and dad are pretty proud of me. I am feeling pretty good about it myself.

Today I am having cupcake with my parents, and day-care classmates. Woo-hoo. I will post pictures later. This weekend I am going to Maryland to have my big birthday party with all of my family. I am really excited, so there will be many blog posts in the nest few days.

Happy Birthday to me!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Father's Day (Belated)

I would like to wish a Happy Father's Day to my granddad, and godfather! Thank you all for being so special and so important to me.

Most of all Happy Father Day to my Dad! He is the best and I love him alot! We play cool games together and he is a whole lot of fun.

Here we are playing superheroes. I am Batman. He is Darth Vader. He let me try on that mask too......

...I think I like being the good guy better

He also lets me eat his nose, which is quite tasty and my mom thinks this is strange, but she is just jealous because she does not understand just how cool nose nibbling can be. I told you my dad is great.

Happy Father's Day!

I would also like to send a birthday shoutout to my grandma!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Belated Congratulations

Whew, it has really been awhile since I last posted. I have been christened, can crawl really fast, and I can now pull up on things. My mom did not mean for so much time to go by but both her and I have been busy!

Here are some pics from the Christening:

Mom meant to take the pic before she cut the cake, but you get the gist. That cake was good if you ask me.

My shoes. I'm a bad bad man. Slick white leather shoes *popping my collar*

yea, I am a *a tiny bit* peeved about this hat....

I got a new bible and a Dedication certificate that my mom is reading

I will post others soon after mommy crops out those who do not want to appear on the blog. All in all it was fun times. Thank you to everyone who came out to support me!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Catch me if you Can!

I apologize to all for the blog slack. There has been so much happening this month!
First, I can pull myself up on things (video proof forthcoming), and I can crawl!
Then went to fun fun. (pics to come)
Next I got christened! Woo-hoo for God!

So be on the lookout for many new posts catching all of my loyal readers up on my life thus far!
If you can't keep up, eat my dust!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Aunt Britt

My Aunt Brittany turns 23 today.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday Aunt Brittany

Happy Birthday to you!

I love you!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I See Dead People

"I see dead people......"

My mom and dad thought that my attempt at a self portrait looked remarkably like the kid from the Sixth Sense. Actually this picure came as a result of my grabbing the camera off the bed, and as I was trying to put it in my mouth snapped this photo. Good, huh? I am a photography genius! See my use of light and special effects ;)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Kicks

I am about to start walking soon, I can feel it! On the advent of this new accomplishment my dad went out and bought me a new pair of tennis shoes.

The camouflage says that I am rugged yet stylish. *pop* goes my collar.

Guess What I've Got

For those of you who have not seen me in awhile. I have got two new friends that I have to show you.

YAY! I am getting teeth!

So now when I gnaw on your fingers it may hurt a bit. Bring on the cookies!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm Sittin on Top of the World....and a new food update

My mom finally put together my high chair and it is great! I am getting to be a big boy now, so it was time for me to have my own chair at the dinner table. I'm getting used to this big boy stuff

Hmmm. This is defintely different

oooh I really like this. I'm like a king on my throne

My first meal in my new chair was this:

I am not too sure about this room temp pureed meat business. But Dad insists that I get this stuff called protein so that I can have big muscles. Whatever. I can take or leave creamy chicken noodles.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fish don't fry in the kitchen; Beans don't burn on the grill

My mom needs a lesson on how to brush boy hair STAT. You brush a man's hair front, back, side, side. If I could talk I would tell her this. Apparently, my grumbling and attempts to grab the brush when she slicks it down and tries to give me what she calls a "swoopie"(think comb-over), do not work. Does that even sound right to you?!? Mom, are you listening? What self-respecting man would call anything on their hair a "swoopie"? See end result here:

You have got to be kidding.

Dad laughed hysterically and said I looked like a mix of Sherman Hemsley from the Jeffersons or the Jazz singer Cab Calloway.

He has a VERY PRONOUNCED "swoopie"

What do you all think? Needless to say, I will learn how to brush my own hair at eight months.

photo credit here and here

Monday, April 14, 2008

My B.I.C.

I am probably one of the few babies that blogs. My mom helps out some, but without my material she would have nothing to blog about. Ms. Cristin gave her the idea to blog months ago, but of course my mom did not have a worthy subject until I came along. Just a few weeks ago, Ms. Cristin told me that my blog made her day and even presented me with a neat badge that I proudly display just to the right of my blog entries. She has blogged about me!--(read here and here); she has take numerous pics of me. Ms. Cristin is great and I let her know by always trying to pull off her glasses and whatever pretty, shiny jewelry that she may be wearing. That is how I show you that I care! So here is my shout-out to you, Ms. Cristin, my Blogger In Crime. :0)

This is my smooth, suave, and debonair look-still a work in progress

Photo courtesy of CMRPaul

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm a dapper don and some other updates

It has been awhile since my last post. It has been a busy springtime in NC. I tried some new foods:
  • Turkey Tettrazini

  • Apples and Cheeries

  • Cinnamon Raisin Yogurt

All of these foods have been particularly yummy.

On top of all that, my Grandma B and Aunt Britt came to visit me last week and I got some new threads

I wore them to church. My mom will upload the picture as soon as she can. I am doing well and wanted to let everyone know to expect entries about my TWO NEW FRONT TEETH!!!!! Woo-hoo for chewing. Talk to you all later !

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New Food Alert-Rice Cereal & Apple with Egg

Yum. I am getting entire meals. I had my first Good Morning Breakfast meal from Beech Nut.

It was very delicious. So much so my greedy parents thought that they would take a bite as well. Hmmph. See my reaction to my new tasty treat:

*note-do not pay any attention to my mom's sauna pants in the background* LOL.

Meet a Friend-Tash

Hi all,
I am going to start sharing with you the new friends I meet along they way. My first friend entry is Tash. She is the daughter of one of my mom's co-workers. She is a little over 1yr old and can do all this cool stuff like crawl and walk. I am so jealous.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gimme my Starbucks!

I need my coffee. I cannot get through the day without it! Can you believe my dad let my cup get empty?!? You just cannot get good help these days. Sheesh.

Clearly I needed a bigger bottle

I am a growing boy and my regular 8oz bottles simply are not doing the trick. I figured that this would make a great replacement:

Yes it is a blender and it is all mine. It is very cool that I can fit my entire face in side of it.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!!!!

Happy Resurrection Sunday! It was a beautiful day today. I got my first Easter basket from Mom and Dad.

Toys and Food. This is great!

Here is my first Easter outfit. It is kind of like Harvard meets Osh Kosh.

"Every since I can remember. I been poppin my collar...."

I hope that everyone had a blessed day today. I sure did!

Sidenote: My teeth are finally starting to poke through. I bit my mom and she could feel the teeth. Woohoo

Friday, March 21, 2008


I wanted to express myself verbally. Many of you get to read what I am thinking, but never get to hear it. So here it goes. Stay tuned after the video for a transcript of this speech :)


Thank you all for reading my blog. I appreciate the love and support that I receive from all of my family and friends as I go through different stages of development. Please stay tuned as I continue to learn something new everyday and my mom finds some way to keep shoving her camera in my face. I am getting pretty active, so it is harder to post daily, but please be patient and check back as often as you can.

Taking it to the head

How many babies do you know can gulp an 8oz. bottle in 20seconds.........

You've just met him. I can tilt my head with the best of them. Maybe this skill will come in handy someday.

New Food Alert-Stage 2 Foods

Happy Good Friday! It has been another busy week for me. I have graduated to another food stage! Yay, for stage 2 foods. According to Beech Nut stage 2 foods are for those babies who are 6mos+ and can sit up unsupported for a certain period of time. Here is my first taste of stage 2 food.
yummmm..pears and raspberries

I liked this much better than that whole meat fiasco of a few weeks ago. Notice me feeding myself like a grown-up. This is a good indication that I like this. Mom and Dad need to keep this good food thing coming.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Monday!-Self-Portraits

Happy Monday Everyone!

It is Saint Patrick's day today and no my mom did not dress me in green. She is totally not festive. It has been a long time since I posted. It has been a looong week. My teeth are really coming in, so I have been really tired and not really in the mood for posing for cute pictures. I like to sleep, gnaw on cold things, or have my gums bathed in Orajel. For everyone's viewing pleasure thoughI got hold of my mom's camera (I have got quick hands) and snapped my own photos.


This lens looks yummy. As long as it doesn't taste like beef. ugh

is this thing on?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I think I can, I think I can

I will crawl. I am determined to crawl. I just cannot seem to get my legs to move forward. I can lunge forward with the best of them, but my parents do not seem to like it when I suddenly lunge for things. I will not give up though! My 2 in 1 gym though is givng me good tummy practice so that I can be strong enough to crawl.

I wonder how my legs can move so fast and I do not go anywhere!

New Food Alert-Beef and Broth

Beech Nut is one of the only baby food brands that offer meats in their stage 1 foods. I have only had veggies and fruit up until this point. My dad really wants me to try meat so that I can get big and strong. I'm not convinced that this meat thing is all it is cracked up to be.

Hopefully meat will get better.....hopefully :(

Monday, March 10, 2008

I love my 2 in 1 gym!

This weekend went by too fast. Went to Church yesterday and had a good time. I clapped along with the music. I did not even pull anyone's hair this time. My teeth a eager to poke through, so I am increasingly irritable and not too happy when mom wants to take a picture.

I have been doing tummy time with my Playskool 2-in-1 Gym. I have such a great time with this thing. I can play with it either on my belly or on my back. It makes noise and everything. This toy comes highly recommended...well by me at least. It has so many gadgets that supposedly help me with strenghtening my stomach muscles. But lately I have preferred playing on my back because I can look up and see myself in the little mirror.

Who do I look like?

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Ms. Cristin told my mom about a site where you can upload photos of baby and parents and based on face recognition technology calculate which parent the child looks the most like. This finally settles the debate on who I look most like. What does everyone else think?

Friday, March 7, 2008

My First Probate Show

I went with my dad to see the newest initiates of the Tau Psi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. at NCCU. This is my dad's frat so he was very excited and could not wait to take me. I even had my own special outfit.

hmmmm. maybe spring 2027?!?

Yay Malcolm (Jekyll & Hyde)! He is like family.

More extended family pics

Thanks for taking good care of me! Congrats to Malcolm, Al, and Emmanuel!

It was a good time and I took many pictures. My mom will probably post those in her Facebook album. Some people even asked my mom to take my picture because they liked my outfit. Needless to say, I passed out shortly after this photo was taken. It was good times.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Dad and I posing. Why, 'cuz its what we do. Ladies and babies watch out. My dad is allergic to t-shirts because he has muscles (insert sarcastic eye-roll from mom and sarcastic groan noise). He says that when I grow up and get big muscles I will not want to wear shirts either.

But if my mom has anything to do with it, she will keep me bundled up for as long as she can :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm a Growing Boy

My doctor's appointment went well. Or as well as it could considering I got THREE SHOTS! :(
Here are my stats:

Weight: 17lbs 8.5oz. (average for a boy of my height)

Height (or would it be length since I don't really stand, but oh well): 27.5 inches long-I'm pretty tall for my age.

Head Circumference: 17.5 inches (My head is big-that means I am smart).


I had to get three shots: ugh

Chilling on the examination table waiting for my temp reading

OUCH!! I got a cool Sesame Street Band-Aid out of this though

Dad helping me get dressed.

Still in shock

My mom cried like a big 'ol baby and took pictures. My dad laughed at her. She is so weird. She did hug me and give me a big kiss after it wall all over though.