Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm a dapper don and some other updates

It has been awhile since my last post. It has been a busy springtime in NC. I tried some new foods:
  • Turkey Tettrazini

  • Apples and Cheeries

  • Cinnamon Raisin Yogurt

All of these foods have been particularly yummy.

On top of all that, my Grandma B and Aunt Britt came to visit me last week and I got some new threads

I wore them to church. My mom will upload the picture as soon as she can. I am doing well and wanted to let everyone know to expect entries about my TWO NEW FRONT TEETH!!!!! Woo-hoo for chewing. Talk to you all later !


cmrpaul said...

Dang David. You're so fly. And dang David. I totally forgot to send your Mom those pics of your teeth fixing to poke out.

Marlon said...
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