Friday, February 22, 2008

Afternoon/Night Recap-Tried a New Food!

Things were so busy last evening that my mom did not get a chance to post.
I had a great day at daycare. Ms. Angela (my day-care provider)tells me that I am getting stronger by the day. Here is a picture of Ms. Angela and I.

My hands taste almost as good as my feet. Almost

I have my own personal bouncer there as well. Here is another photo of the daycare. There are five kids (including me). I also think that I am the only boy now which is GREAT!

My personal favorite is the swing. I have the exact same one at home.

Then I went home when ta-daa! My mom introduced me to a new food. Gerber's peas. Do I like peas? be the judge.

.....the jury is still out on this one. I finished the whole bowl though and this made mom very happy

Mom, can I digest before you take my photo?

I finally got a nice realxing bath and proceeded to do my yoga before bed. This pose is called "cradle the baby" (really, it is. Ms. Donna told me so!)

yes, I can even hold my pacifier at the same time.

Overall, it was a good night and I am ready for the weekend. Just have to get through Friday!

1 comment:

cmrpaul said...

So nice to meet Ms. Angela! Wow, it doesn't seem like you hated the peas but you weren't super into them either. That's one cute, happy pic of your Mom;)