Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!!!!

Happy Resurrection Sunday! It was a beautiful day today. I got my first Easter basket from Mom and Dad.

Toys and Food. This is great!

Here is my first Easter outfit. It is kind of like Harvard meets Osh Kosh.

"Every since I can remember. I been poppin my collar...."

I hope that everyone had a blessed day today. I sure did!

Sidenote: My teeth are finally starting to poke through. I bit my mom and she could feel the teeth. Woohoo


cmrpaul said...

David. You are too cute! Happy Easter!! And a big w00t for teeth! Tell your Mom to alert me of the next time you might be in the office so I can bring my good camera for a macro shot for your blog. <3

Sarah said...

OMG you are TOO CUTE!!! I can't wait to meet you one day!!! Treat your mama and daddy well, okay?? :)