Then my mom wanted to get all paparazzi on me. After church, After I had eaten. I was not in a picture taking mood....

Please, help me! I just want to take a nap. What is mommy looking at?
...As evidenced by the following photo take a mere two minutes (literally) after the one above.

See, a man cannot even get his rest.
Finally refreshed, I had tummy time. I am getting so much better at this and my parents think that I will be crawling rapidly in no time. No irritability today, my guns were nicely soothed by my endless supply of Orajel. Not much happened today, I chilled and played. I had a busy week, so I needed to rest before it started back up again.
So it was off to bed for me. I have gotten pretty good at soothing myself to sleep. I could have fallen asleep sooner had my mom not decided that she wanted another photo shoot.

Now I told her I was tired. She just won't leave me alone. This is just plain mean.
I mean if you insist on taking my picture, mom, here you go.
It is kind of funny, I look like my dad when I am sleepy, but like my mom when I am awake. Hmmm, what do you all think?
What a cutey pie you are. Too bad about the milk accident I'm sure you looked dapper!
You tell her! When it's time to sleep, it's time to sleep.
this blog is tooooooooo much!!!!
i only get to see it on HIGH SPEED..im at troy and veitas
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