Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!!

I am a whole year old today. Time really does fly. My mom has been pretty slow about updating my blog but I have learned how to do new things since I last posted.

I have six teeth now, so I can chew pretty well...well as good as anyone who has six teeth. Watch the video to witness my chewing prowess.

I have also graduted from crawling fast to walking rather slowly....but at least I can walk..sort of.

My mom and dad are pretty proud of me. I am feeling pretty good about it myself.

Today I am having cupcake with my parents, and day-care classmates. Woo-hoo. I will post pictures later. This weekend I am going to Maryland to have my big birthday party with all of my family. I am really excited, so there will be many blog posts in the nest few days.

Happy Birthday to me!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Happy Birthday little man :)

cmrpaul said...