Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fish don't fry in the kitchen; Beans don't burn on the grill

My mom needs a lesson on how to brush boy hair STAT. You brush a man's hair front, back, side, side. If I could talk I would tell her this. Apparently, my grumbling and attempts to grab the brush when she slicks it down and tries to give me what she calls a "swoopie"(think comb-over), do not work. Does that even sound right to you?!? Mom, are you listening? What self-respecting man would call anything on their hair a "swoopie"? See end result here:

You have got to be kidding.

Dad laughed hysterically and said I looked like a mix of Sherman Hemsley from the Jeffersons or the Jazz singer Cab Calloway.

He has a VERY PRONOUNCED "swoopie"

What do you all think? Needless to say, I will learn how to brush my own hair at eight months.

photo credit here and here

1 comment:

cmrpaul said...

Bwahahahaha! Yea, that looks awful. Don't let her do that to you again!