Thursday, February 28, 2008

Which one should I get?

Ms. Donna sent mommy a list of funny, off-color t-shirts. This is bad because my mommy loves off-color humor. These are her favs- well at least the ones that she can post on a blog that our family reads.

...And it very well may be.....

"You know its hard out here for a piiiiiiiiiiiimp...."

HAHAHAHAHA. Which one would you choose?

Total Baby Exploitation

Apparently, I do this funny, sucking thing in my sleep. My parents find it HILARIOUS. I, on the other hand, think that it is quite underhanded that they take pictures of a poor defenseless baby who is trying to catch a nap on the sly. Geez, go figure.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Face Off

He thinks he can make me go to sleep? Does he not realize that I am in control of this situation? We stare each other down, give each other the evil eye....but no one, and I mean no one can outstare me. It is a shame that he even tried.

I had a late night yesterday. I stayed awake until 10:30! Of course, I had to catch the end of the Vanderbilt/Tennessee game....and have another yummy bottle. Ahhhh, Enfamil.

My mom bought me a new shirt and is anxious for it to come in the mail.

*popping my collar*

photo credit

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Future Mr. Olympia

My workout regimen has really been paying off.

Notice those abs of steel and those big guns. Milk definitely does a body good. This is me today, but in 2035 I could look like this:

Watch out now!

Monday Recap

Mondays are just always rough.

I am late on this post but yesterday I was TIRED. This cutting tooth thing zaps all my energy and all I want to do is eat, sleep, and fuss. Mostly just fuss.

I came home yesterday ate peas (we all know how that went the last time around), and played the fun airplane game with dad. Please notice my delight.

This is so much fun. Then it was bath time for me, and time where I sit back, chill, and reflect on the happenings of the day. Let me think: eat, sleep, tummy time, play, eat,, I had a loong day.

" fresh and so clean clean..."

Then I gear up to do it all again tomorrow......ah, my life is grand,

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Peek-A-Boo! I see you!

I swear this game will never get old.

If you hair is fake I will pull it.

I went to church today peep the outfit:

I will always hit you with the fly footwear courtesy of Old Navy Oh, and the argle printed sweater, that was all my idea. Nothing says sophistication better than argyle.

Lesson learned today: Never sit me next to someone in church with false hair. Why? Because I will pull it. HARD. I mean I just wanted to play with that nice lady's braid, and I thought I could maybe put it in my mouth. She did not seem to mind so much, but my parents kept apologizing. I shot her a cute look for a little something extra. If the Lord forgives, I knoooow she can. I mean, I am a baby-I will pull on long dangly things. So as long as you do not go all Beyonce with the weave, you should be fine, but I won't make any guarantees.

ps. My parents will have an appointment with Pastor this week, be on the lookout for my christening date!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

New Accomplishment-Fart Noises

I am a boy. I had to learn sometime. Fart noises are just naturally funny.

Stop trying to steal my thunder.

I mean whose blog is this? Mine. This is what I do to people trying to steal my shine without my permission. Dad has learned his lesson.

No thanks. I can do it myself

I love pears. I really do. This eating thing is a piece of cake. This is what happens when my mother takes too long spooning me the good stuff

If you want something done right. You have to do it yourself.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Every Since I Can Remember I Been Poppin' My Collar...

Sometimes I even impress myself. Ladies, watch out-here I come! What I am wearing today to daycare.

I even hooked this outfit up with some fly footwear

Don't hate the playa....hate the game ;)

Afternoon/Night Recap-Tried a New Food!

Things were so busy last evening that my mom did not get a chance to post.
I had a great day at daycare. Ms. Angela (my day-care provider)tells me that I am getting stronger by the day. Here is a picture of Ms. Angela and I.

My hands taste almost as good as my feet. Almost

I have my own personal bouncer there as well. Here is another photo of the daycare. There are five kids (including me). I also think that I am the only boy now which is GREAT!

My personal favorite is the swing. I have the exact same one at home.

Then I went home when ta-daa! My mom introduced me to a new food. Gerber's peas. Do I like peas? be the judge.

.....the jury is still out on this one. I finished the whole bowl though and this made mom very happy

Mom, can I digest before you take my photo?

I finally got a nice realxing bath and proceeded to do my yoga before bed. This pose is called "cradle the baby" (really, it is. Ms. Donna told me so!)

yes, I can even hold my pacifier at the same time.

Overall, it was a good night and I am ready for the weekend. Just have to get through Friday!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Good Morning

I hope all is well with everyone today. I had a GREAT night sleep and I know that my mom was especially happy about that.

But really though, mommy needs to stop snapping that camera when I am not ready to take a photo. I need a minute to become fully awake.

really, mom really?!? Instead of snapping my photo, you need to make sure my breakfast is ready.

Now that's better. Watch me in action as I not only feed myself, but using my big manly muscles, manage to hold on to my big 8oz bottle.

After breakfast I like to get a workout in. Off to the Exer-Saucer. It makes sounds whenever I hit or spin anything. What fun! Mom gets quite excited whenever I do these things so I thought that I would give her a show. It really does not take much to please her!

For any of you ladies out there looking for a young bachelor with great spinning capabilities I am your man.

Finally, off to day-care. I shall post later with some pics so you can meet my friends and Ms. Angela my day-care provider. She is great. Maybe I can squeeze in a quick nap in the car.

no such luck. Give my mom a camera and she goes crazy. What does a baby have to do to catch a quick nap before day-care? Geez.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It has been a loong day. Between tummy time, playing with my Exer-Saucer, and joking around with mommy. I am tired! Being a baby is hard work.

I just wanted to leave you all with some action shots:

Feet are the absolute best I'm pretty sure that you are supposed to do more with them than eat them. My mommy hardly ever gnaws on hers. She does not know what she is missing!

I had a nice warm bath which makes me feel really relaxed and comfortable.
And with that I am out! Talk to you all tomorrow!

I am six months old today!!!

I am 1/2 year old today. Wow, time flies. Can't you tell how excited I am?

New accomplishments:

I can sit up by myself for a whole ten minutes. I am going for a personal best of fifteen minutes by the end of the week. Its nice not having to be propped up against the couch pillows as much. I can actually see my feet from this angle. Who knew that my own feet would be so delicious? So much so, that while sitting I like to lean all the way over to place my feet in my mouth. This is almost as fun as when I am on my back.

I am blowing bubbles. This is probably because I have got to new teeth growing at the bottom center of my mouth. I am not too sure about this teeth thing but since mommy and daddy seem to have so many of them, it must not be that bad. It does hurt though and it makes me slightly irritable. I recommend Orajel for babies. It comes in this awesome cherry flavor.

I also make new noises. My favorites are "da" and "ga" . Not very eloquent to the regular human ear, but my mommy and daddy understand everything that I am trying to say.
I am new to this whole blogging experience but I hope to update as often as possible...well at least as often as my mommy can type :)

On and Poppin' (Take Two)

Let me try this again. My mommy had designed a great blog for me with a few entries but accidentally deleted it! I think I need to run this show from now on. Let me tell you a bit about me.

Carrots (very yummy)
Sweet Potatoes
Enfamil (ahh, sweet nectar)
Fingers (yours or mine-great to gnaw on)
Dangly earrings (fun to grab and yank)
Beaded necklaces
Funny noises
Pretty baby girls (heeeey ladies)
Bright colors
Car rides

Blowing bubbles

Protein yogurt (daddy gives me that and mommy gets mad)

Bright lights

Intricate patterns

my Exer-Saucer -want one ? go here

Poopy diapers
Green Beans
Strange people making weird faces

I could go on and on. I will probably add to this list. I will write more later, but I am sleeeeeepy